A new Mahalwari System is devised

Concept Explanation

A new Mahalwari System is devised

A New Mahalwari System is Devised:The term 'Mahalwari' is deprived from the Hindi word 'mahal', meaning a house /estate or a village . The head of the mahal was made responsible for collecting the revenue of a village or a mahal. He was supposed to handover this collection of revenue to the government. this system was introduced in the parts of Uttar Pradesh , Punjab ,Haryana,Delhi and Central India.

In the north western provinces of the Bengal presidency (most of this area is now in Uttar Pradesh), an Englishman called Holt Mackenzie devised the new system which came into effect in 1822. He felt that the village was an important social institution in north Indian society and needed to be preserved. Under his direction collectors went from village to village inspecting the land measuring the field and recording the customs and rights of different groups. The estimated revenue of each plot within a village was added up to calculate the revenue that each village had to pay .this demand was to be revised periodically ‘not permanently fixed. The charges of collecting the revenue and paying it to the company were given to the village headman, rather than the Zamindars. This system came to be known as the mahalwari settlement


Holt Mackenzie

The government of William Bentinck, the Governor-General(1828-1835), made a thorough revision of the Regulation of 1822, and thus the Mahalwari System was introduced. They realized that the result of the Regulation of 1822 was nothing other than widespread misery.

After a prolonged consultation, the Government finally passed a new regulation in 1833. The mahalwari system of land revenue was introduced by Holt Mackenzie and Robert Mertins Bird. It played a large part in making the system more flexible. The process of preparing estimates of produce and rents was simplified too. It also introduced the fixation of the average rents for different classes of soil. This scheme functioned under Mettins Bird. The processes of measuring land, examining soil quality was improved further. The State demand was fixed at 66% of the rental value and the Settlement was made for 30 years.

The Mahalwari system of land revenue worked under the scheme of 1833 was completed under the administration of James thompson. The 66% rental demanded proved very harsh, too. In the Saharanpur Rules of 1855, it was revised to 50% by Governor-General James Bron-Ramsay first marquess of Dalhousie. . However, the British officers hardly cared of these rules. This created widespread discontent among the Indians.

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

The act which is not related to the Mahalwari system is __________________________ .

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

In Mahalwari System ,Villages were called _______ .

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

Who holds the responsibility of paying the revenue in the Mahalwari Settlement?

Right Option : A
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